About Bayanda Mzoneli
Bayanda Mzoneli is a public servant. He writes in his personal capacity.
I was reading my blog. I noticed that it looks lonely, deserted and neglected. As is the practice in the human race, I found excuses on why my blog is so cold and dry.
As you may or may not know (google my name), the kind of work that I do is very demanding. Since the break of criminal violence in South Africa which was characterised as xenophobia, I have had my hands full. Besides that, June is the Youth Month in South Africa. Working with a lifetime youth activist demands a lot of time during that month. There had also recently been an Anti-Child Pornography Indaba which was subsequently followed by the recent launch of the internet hotline website. These and many other issues are the ones that have consumed the better part of my time which, in turn, leads to the neglect of my blog.
I should make time to write a post for my blog, at least once a month as a minimum. There. I have just commited myself to that. So it means I will have to do it. It’s good that I am done for July.
It feels good to own my own blog. But to be honest I am envious of Ndumiso Ngcobo, Lazola Ndamase and Sandile Memela. These guys blog on some South African elite blogging cartel. I do not know how they got there. Their cartel think they set the agenda in the public discourse (make that a cyber discourse). They have now even added the Tech Leader, which focuses on technology issues. I can’t make up my mind on whether I should be humble enough to ask them how to join the cartel or I am just better off having my own blog. Until my mind is made up, I will continue with my lonely blog.
In my next post I will try to find something intelligent to write about.