About Bayanda Mzoneli
Bayanda Mzoneli is a public servant. He writes in his personal capacity.
I committed myself to posting on this blog at least once a month. This month I have decided that I might not write anything, even though by so writing, I have already written.
Some may be surprised that I claim this to be a South African blog yet I have not written anything this week regarding the events as they unfold in South Africa. The thing is … er.. I was actually going to .. er..(cough) think about er… er… I know it’s unlike me, but er… sometimes we all er… from time to time er… get to be a bit er… (cough) Ok. Let’s do this. The next paragraph will sum up what I’m trying to say.
The give is Mothlante support President precedence Mbeki from they Zuma recent ANC always Nicholson NEC Squires forever economy Shaik it resignation NEC going I deployment judgement constitution repeat very inside conspiracy Polokwane confidence success Alliance elections NDR general important.
Now having said that let me introduce to you a very good fellow. He is almost like me, you could swear its me or that I am him. I am talking about Themba Phakathi. See his blog http://phakathi.blogspot.com I have even added it on my blogroll. He has been writting very good stuff lately which I entirely do not disagree with most, if not all, of it.
You might also want to read what Sandile and Lazola wrote about the recent events (see Blogroll on the right for links to their blogs).
I wish to reiterate that you should visit Themba’s blog just as frequently as you visit this one, if not more.