About Bayanda Mzoneli
Bayanda Mzoneli is a public servant. He writes in his personal capacity.
For those who read Themba’s blog as I had suggested, I know he said he was going to write on resignations. But after Lazola wrote first (see his blog) on responding to an ANC letter, I have opted to write something that relates to resignations instead of Themba writing about it.
The recent developments have led some people to ask me question because they think I am in the know. I am not sure why they think like that. While trying to answer their question with little that I know, I felt it is neccesary to look harder in trying to understand the membership of the ANC. It seems some understand it to be about paying the R12 membership fee or the relevant amounts for the multi-year membership.
Themba told me that certain blog readers frown at too much citation because they think it is uncool. I differ with them. I say do it as long as it helps you make your point more accurately. Allow me to proceed.
The constitution of the ANC as adopted in Polokwane 2007 gives a framework of the content of what it means to be an ANC member. The ANC constitution says;
“5.2 A member of the ANC will:
g. Observe discipline, behave honestly and carry out loyally decisions of the majority and decisions of higher bodies.
i. Refrain from publishing and/or distributing any media without authorisation which purports to be the view of any organised grouping, faction or tendency within the ANC.
k. ANC members who hold elective office in any sphere of governance at national, provincial or local level are required to be members of the appropriate caucus, to function within its rules and to abide by its decisions under the general provisions of this Constitution and the constitutional structures of the ANC.” (http://www.anc.org.za/ancdocs/history/const/const2007.html)
I guess the above quote answers the questions about resignations, the open letter by the former National Chairperson and the rumours about the new political party.
It could only be the most stubborn of readers who will refuse to understand this. Part of the beauty of citation is that it makes your point for you. No one can accuse me of having said anything which is my opinion. I have only directed the reader to the ANC constitution to attempt to answer the questions currently confusing some of the ANC members and supporters.
Honourable reader, I rest my case.