Disclaimer: While the views expressed here are subject to Terms of Use of this blog, I wish to emphasise that the views expressed here do not represent the views of my employer as a person or as an institution.…
On 27 October, the Mapungubwe Institute for Strategic Reflection will convene a workshop on the Evolution of the South African State, where papers developed by various researchers will be presented.…
AISA DISCUSSION PANEL ON DEMOCRATISATION CRITICAL THINKING FORUM THEME: “Regime Change in Libya and Recognition of the National Transitional Council:  Assessing the West and AU Perspectives” David Maimela 5 October 2011 Programme Director, ladies and gentlemen, all protocol observed!…
A response to David Maimela (by Prof Jonathan Jansen) There is an important debate breaking in the national press about the place of student politics on university campuses.…
The current legal case challenging the constitutionality of ‘banning’ political student organisations from partaking in SRC elections at the University of Free State has implications for the political system in South Africa, higher education and our young democracy as a whole, at least in the long-term.…
Dear Cde Sindiso Magaqa (ANCYL Secretary General) Congratulations on your election to lead our generation of youth to Economic Freedom in our Lifetime.…
I read with interest, the speech by Cde Blade Nzimande, the SACP General Secretary, to the Central Committee of COSATU.…
In  a SASO BPC trial in May 1976, Steve Biko was asked, among others, about the meaning of the phrase "black is beautiful."…
Anatole France, a French writer, once wrote, "The law, in its majestic equality, forbids rich and poor alike to sleep under bridges, to beg in the streets, and to steal their bread."…
For the purposes of this text, we will pretend that a revolution is the change of government that is removed, by any means, on the basis of it being unjust (noting that justice is not universal).…