More than a year ago, I wrote about the Fallacy of Facebook addiction.…
Last week, WikiLeaks released thousands of secret government documents, mostly of the US government.…
Earlier last week, I bought an iPad from unofficial distributors since the Core Group (official Apple Distributors in South Africa) do not know the date of availability of iPad in SA.…
This morning I tweeted about the meeting Deputy Minister Gigaba held with ISPA and WASPA.…
Last week Friday, following remarks attributed to the MDC, a friend posted the Facebook status below;The status and it's subsequent comments prompted me to chat to Zama Magagula just before I left the office on Friday, as she was online on Gmail Chat.…
This exposition was first published on the 9th September 2010 in The Bottomline, the YCLSA publication.…
If you thought this article is about swearing, then clearly you don't know me that well.…
Below is an interesting conversation I just had with a friend NOW on Gmail Chat.…
Now that the my Perspective on Protection of Information Bill is sealed and delivered, I can write about what I really wanted to write about, the Media Tribunal.Before…