
The ANCYL wishes Mama Winnie a speedy recovery.

The ANCYL wishes Mama Winnie a speedy recovery. We want to to say to Mama Winnie the nation wishes you urgent recovery. We hope that in times like these you will show resilience like you did against the defunct apartheid regime. Please continue to show courage against the illness that want to conquer your spirit. We, as the ANCYL, have hope that you will fight till the full recovery. What will the nation be without you in these trying times when there are some in our movement and some outside our movement who are hell-bent in destroying the movement that you dearly fought for with many comrades. The movement that you shouldered under difficult times. Your wisdom and guidance in these times is more than required. Your experience cannot be kept away from us in these times. We love you Mother of the Nation. 


Make your history, make your own heroes and speak about them not Kalushi

The ANCYL has noted with dismay the desperate attempt by  EFF which wants to use the struggle icon of the movement for their own narrow, selfish objectives. The EFF has been insisting regardless of many attempts by the family of Solomon Kalushi Mahlangu indicating that EFF has no right nor responsibility to hold lectures about Kalushi because he was never a member of the EFF. The EFF wants to use the name of Umkhonto We-Sizwe combatant Kalushi to first and foremost distort history, his association and membership  affiliation of Kalushi Mahlangu to the African National Congress. They want to use what Kalushi stood for against his organization that he was part of and the organization that he joined voluntarily up until his death the ANC. Solomon had no other home outside of the ANC. Why claim what is not yours?